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2024-07-21 The New Jerusalem: A Glimpse of Eternity


Title: Navigating Your Journey to Eternity

You might wonder how to navigate the journey of life, especially when thinking about eternity. Just like using a GPS or a road atlas for a trip, we need guidance for our spiritual journey. In Revelation 21 and 22, we find a divine roadmap that leads us to the New Jerusalem, a place of eternal refuge and rest. Let's explore what God has in store for us and how we can prepare for this incredible destination.

The New Jerusalem: A Glimpse of Eternity

In Revelation 21:9-22:5, John gives us a vivid description of the New Jerusalem. This city is not just a physical place but a symbol of God's promise and fulfillment for those who trust in Jesus. The New Jerusalem is a place where God's glory shines brightly, and His people dwell in perfect harmony.

1. The City's Members: Holy Residents

The New Jerusalem will be filled with holy residents, both from believing Israel and the Church. These residents are glorified and purified by God, reflecting His glory. As Paul writes in Romans 8:28-30, God's purpose is to conform us to the image of His Son. This journey of sanctification will be completed in the New Jerusalem, where we will be arrayed with God's glory.

2. The City's Measurements: A Place of Permanence and Protection

The city's measurements, described as a 1400-mile cube, symbolize the Holy of Holies, where God's presence dwelled in the Old Testament. This immense city represents the permanence and protection God provides for His people. No longer will we face persecution or fear; we will have eternal refuge and rest in God's presence.

3. The City's Materials: Reflecting God's Glory

The materials used to build the New Jerusalem are precious and transparent, allowing God's glory to shine through. The foundations, adorned with various jewels, remind us of the high priest's breastplate and the manifold beauty of God. This city is a testament to God's creativity and His desire to dwell with His people.

4. The City's Main Purpose: Displaying God's Glory

The New Jerusalem's main purpose is to display the radiant glory of God. There will be no need for a temple or created sources of light because God's glory will illuminate the city. Jesus, the Lamb, will be the lamp, shining God's light throughout the new creation. We will walk by the knowledge of God, perfectly obeying Him and experiencing His presence fully.

5. The City's Majesty: God's Presence at the Center

At the heart of the New Jerusalem is God's throne, from which flows the river of life. The tree of life, spanning the river, provides healing for the nations. This garden-like description echoes the Garden of Eden, where God's presence was fully experienced. In the New Jerusalem, we will have complete access to God, enjoying eternal life and His protection.

Taking the Next Step

So, what does this mean for you? How can you prepare for this incredible destination?

1. Trust in Jesus

If you haven't already, place your trust in Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). By believing in Him, you can secure your place in the New Jerusalem and experience the eternal life He offers.

2. Embrace the Journey of Sanctification

As believers, we are on a journey of becoming more like Christ. Allow God to work in your life, shaping your character, attitudes, and desires to align with His. Remember, God is faithful to complete the work He began in you (Philippians 1:6).

3. Share the Hope of Eternity

Share the hope of the New Jerusalem with others. Many people around you need to hear about the eternal life and refuge God offers. Be a light in their lives, pointing them to Jesus and the incredible future He has prepared.


The New Jerusalem is a place of unimaginable beauty, glory, and peace. It's a destination where we will dwell with God forever, experiencing His presence and protection. What will you do this week to prepare for this journey? Will you trust in Jesus, embrace the process of sanctification, and share the hope of eternity with others?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise of the New Jerusalem. Help us to trust in Jesus and embrace the journey of becoming more like Him. Give us the courage to share the hope of eternity with those around us. May Your glory shine through our lives as we look forward to dwelling with You forever. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Posted by David Hopkins with

2024-07-14 Who We Are - The First Marks of the Church

Title: Embracing the Simple Mission of the Church

Have you ever wondered what the true mission of the Church is? Or perhaps, how you can play a part in fulfilling it? If so, you're not alone. Many of us grapple with understanding our role in the grand scheme of God's plan. Today, let's dive into the heart of the mission of the Church and discover how you can actively participate in it.

In a recent sermon, we explored Acts 1:12-26, where the early disciples exemplified key disciplines that helped them fulfill their mission. These disciplines are not just historical anecdotes; they are practical steps you can take today to live out your faith and contribute to the mission of the Church.

The Main Point: The Simple Mission of the Church

The main point of the sermon is clear: The mission of the Church is to make disciples and be witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This mission is simple, yet profound. It requires us to embody certain disciplines that the early disciples practiced, which are obedience, unity, prayer, and discernment.

Obedience: Following Jesus' Commands

The first discipline is obedience. In Acts 1:12, the disciples returned to Jerusalem as Jesus had instructed them. They didn't fully understand what awaited them, but they obeyed. This teaches us that obedience to Jesus' commands is crucial, even when we don't have all the answers.

Action Step: Reflect on areas in your life where you might be resisting God's direction. Commit to taking a step of obedience this week, whether it's reaching out to someone in need, spending more time in prayer, or sharing your faith with a friend.

Unity: Being of One Accord

The second discipline is unity. Acts 1:14 tells us that the disciples were "with one accord" in prayer. Unity doesn't mean we all have to agree on everything, but it does mean we should be united in our mission and purpose.

Action Step: Seek to build unity within your community. This could be as simple as resolving a conflict, participating in a group prayer, or supporting a church initiative. Remember, unity is a powerful testimony to the world.

Prayer: Seeking God's Guidance

The third discipline is prayer. The early Church was marked by its commitment to prayer. They understood that their mission could not be accomplished without God's intervention.

Action Step: Dedicate a specific time each day to pray for the mission of the Church, for unity among believers, and for opportunities to share the gospel. Consider joining a prayer group or starting one if it doesn't exist.

Discernment: Listening to God's Voice

The fourth discipline is discernment. In Acts 1:24-26, the disciples prayed for guidance in choosing a new apostle. They sought God's will and trusted His direction.

Action Step: Practice discernment by spending time in God's Word and seeking His guidance in your decisions. Ask God to help you recognize His voice and follow His leading.

Conclusion: Taking the Next Step

The mission of the Church is simple, but it requires your active participation. Jesus calls you to be obedient, to seek unity, to pray fervently, and to discern His will. These disciplines are not just for the early disciples; they are for you, here and now.

What will you do this week to embrace these disciplines and fulfill the mission of the Church? Will you take a step of obedience, work towards unity, commit to prayer, or seek God's guidance in your decisions? Remember, the Church is only as strong as its individual members. Your commitment can make a significant impact.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the clear mission You've given us. Help us to be obedient to Your commands, to seek unity with our fellow believers, to commit to prayer, and to discern Your will in our lives. Empower us by Your Holy Spirit to live out this mission and make a difference in our communities. In Jesus' name, Amen.

By embracing these disciplines, you can play a vital role in fulfilling the mission of the Church. Let's commit to this journey together and see how God will work through us to bring His kingdom to earth.

Posted by Dr. Jon Martin with